

These are benchmarks were generated using Syndeo with containerized Ray on the MIT LLSC architecture. Each experiment measures throughput of Mujoco environments under different node configurations. Results indicate that as nodes are added, the throughput increases.

Mujoco Benchmarks#

Here is an end-to-end example of how to reproduce the Mujoco results from the paper.

  1. Begin by cloning the repos to a development machine. Build the container and copy it to your SLURM host.

# Clone the example repo
git clone

# Build the containers
cd RL-Benchmarks/containers
sudo su -

# Copy container to SLURM host
scp rl_benchmarks.sif <SLURM_HOST>:containers/
  1. provides two example Syndeo scripts for running experiments:


This experiment will setup four nodes on SLURM and deploy a Ray Cluster to run RL Benchmarks. You will need to make modifications to the example script where it has TODO: in the comments.



#SBATCH --exclusive
#SBATCH --job-name rl_benchmarks_speed
#SBATCH --output logs/rl_benchmarks-gaia-node-4-%j.log
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=40          # TODO: match with CPUs per node!!!
#SBATCH --nodes=4
#SBATCH --ntasks=4
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --time 0-02:00:00
#SBATCH --partition=gaia            # TODO: rename to your partition
#SBATCH --distribution=nopack

# User Config
# Host Config
HOST_WORKING_DIR="/state/partition1/user/$USER"     # TODO: must match node's local partition (hard disk)
HOST_SAVE="~/projects/rl_benchmarks/save/speed"     # TODO: modify to your save output directory

  1. On the SLURM host clone the Syndeo repo. Copy your modified script into the Syndeo repo and execute the following commands.

git clone
sbatch # this is your modified script
  • You will see logs being generated in logs/*.

  • You can even use Tensorboard to view the results located in the HOST_SAVE directory.

Syndeo will take care of copying your container to all SLURM allocated nodes, starting up a Ray Cluster, and executing your python script on the head node. All results will be saved to the output directory you have specified.