🧪 Running Tests

🧪 Running Tests#

To execute the container tests you will first need to build the containers on a development system with root privileges and then transfer the built containers to SLURM:

cd tests/containers
sudo su -

singularity build cartpole.sif cartpole_container.def
singularity build ip.sif ip_container.def

scp cartpole.sif <SLURM HOST>:/path/syndeo/containers/cartpole.sif
scp ip.sif <SLURM HOST>:/path/syndeo/containers/ip.sif

To run tests:

conda activate syndeo

The PyTests will generate log files to a logs/ directory. The tests will read the logs and search for keywords like sucessfully executed indicate that the python program succeeded.

If you want to run individual tests using PyTest you can do:

pytest tests/ip_test.py::<individual_test>

Pytest supports breakpoint debugging which can be used to isolate problems.

Pytest Directories#

Nox Testing#

Nox is recommended if you want to run your tests in a clean environment from start to finish. Often times the developer environment is not where you need the tests to succeed, rather you want these tests to succeed on a clean install where other users may want to utilize. If that is the case make sure your Nox tests pass:

nox -s pytest